Saturday, March 27, 2010

My Pumpkin Shaped Birthday Cake

My 28th birthday was February the 28th, and after the traditional pumpkin cake was served at my party, my friend Mary Harrell gave me pumpkin pie a week later, and I had just finished it when my friend Debby Gray gave me another birthday party over at her house two weeks after my birthday! Debby made me two pumpkin cakes that look like actual pumpkins! We ate one at that party, and Debby gave me the other one to take home. Before eating any of it, I decided to take a picture of it to share with others, making sure to include a nice home setting in the photo. It's been pretty slow progress eating this cake, since I'm the only one eating it! It seems kind of weird to eat a whole birthday cake by myself, though it's quite tasty. Any friends are welcome to come and eat it with me! It's been a month since my birthday, and I'm still eating birthday cake! It has felt like a long birthday.

The evening that I took a picture of the cake, I was sitting on the couch and started admiring Pippin sleeping on his favorite spot on my armchair pillow. I have taking quite a few daytime photos in this location, but no nighttime photos, so I took this picture of Pippin illuminated by lamplight, with the shadow of my indoor pine tree revealing itself onto my pillow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How did this tradition of pumpkin birthday cakes arise? Happy Belated Birthday! I wish I could help you eat that cake.