Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Chicken Soup for Pippin's Soul "Loving Our Cats"

I had actually taken these pictures at the end of January, in between Shadow's death and getting Rusty, but they are special any time of the year. For Christmas, Hazel had given me Chicken Soup for the Soul: Loving Our Cats, and I have loved reading its stories and being touched by the special relationships of the narrators and their cats. One day, Pippin came up to me as I was reading the book, and I thought Pippin and the book would make a great photo together, much like what I had taken earlier of Pippin and the cats on my tapestry. Pippin being right in front of my knees and looking up at me was a great example of our bond, as the title of the book suggested.

I leaned over towards Pippin to take this picture. I love how Pippin's tounge is touching his nose.

Pippin started looking out the back windows, but glanced back towards me, making another cute pose.

Here, he moved closer to my legs, making it easier to pet him.

I held the camera down low to get a side view of Pippin as I petted him. This was before I got my new bookshelves.

Pippin jumped onto the couch and lay right beside where I had set down my Loving Our Cats book. He already seemed to like that book.

He then leaned his head right on the book, making for another really sweet photo.

This next photo is my favorite. The way he is posed with his front leg covering the top corner of the book makes it look like he had been reading the book for so long that he had fallen asleep. I imagine Pippin would have loved the stories as much as I do.

That night, I sat on the couch with the book beside me, and Pippin once again turned to the book as a wonderful resting spot while being next to me, with one of the cats on the cover peeking around him.

Pippin sure enough loved this book, lying upon it and looking at me with ease. The title Loving Our Cats does indeed speak the truth when it comes to our relationship. Pippin and I are so very close.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Absolutely Adorable!