Saturday, September 6, 2008

Taking a Walk at Fairview Riverside State Park

We camped at Fairview Riverside State Park across Lake Pontchatrain from New Orleans, and I loved being by the water. Here, I was taking a walk with my family on a short trail by the swamp area, which I had earlier only seen illuminated at night. When the road came to the swamp, the trail led off underneath a beautiful moss covered tree that stood by the swamp. I loved the sight of the swamp at night time, with the tree directly lit by the electric lampposts, and I was the only person around who was still up. I could imagine storybook characters walking along the trail and passing underneath the tree. I also loved standing on the dock by the river that was located behind the bathrooms. It was further away from the electric lampposts, and it was nice to relax and look out at the shapes of trees and bushes nearby, plus view the stars overhead and the dark river rushing by. I was taking nightly trips while the rest of my family had already gone to bed.

1 comment:

Hazel said...

Hi Rachael!
I'm really enjoying reading your insights and perspectives on things.
Keep it up!